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Thursday, August 12, 2010

computer recycling "missed opportunity"

The study, entitled "Why reuse is better than recycling, based in London organization, argues that computers work is reused 20 times more energy efficient than their recycling and reuse is the lowest" cost depletion resources than recycling.

According to the report, and recycling is often the preferred option for waste management of electronic waste is not always best - especially in cases of unwanted computers.

Computer Aid, however, used his report to further emphasize the benefits of reuse, including social and economic benefits, he said that could lead to overcoming the division "digital".

"Cheap purchase refurbished equipment can make it available to those who can not afford new," she said.

"Compared with some other electronic waste for PC environment" redemption "of recycling is relatively small," the report states. "This is because the concentration of energy intensity in production of computers and generally short life spans of their current use, fueled by rapid product innovation and high levels of return.

Recycling of IT equipment such as computers is 'missed opportunity' due to energy saving and environment that can be done by extending the operational life instead, according to a report published by the International Charity Computer Aid reuse yesterday (August 10).

The report, computer support, compared with a refrigerator, where it 88% of energy comes from movement of equipment, which means designing a fuel-efficient cars it makes sense for the environment, and a computer 20% of energy comes from running, and the rest is of production.

"This means that any activity that prolongs the life of a computer, to avoid overproduction is an important strategy for mitigating environmental impacts," added the report.

She said that increasing the life cycle of ICT equipment such as computers and mobile phones, is useful when the depletion of resources involved in the production of new equipment are considered.

While the hierarchy of waste, reuse should be a priority before recycling, as well as the EU Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive is not a priority re-use language, computer aid said that absence of specific targets reuse means that often recycling "practical reality".

The report says that in order to implement the "many benefits" for reuse must be actions taken by manufacturers to design reuse in our products, customers and press to replace equipment until it has reached a "real" end "productive of his life.

He called for the introduction of targets and standards for reuse, and more for public education on the waste hierarchy and distribution of reusable equipment necessary site CA.

UK bank account customers hit by most dangerous computer virus ever

This new virus steals a customer’s online banking ID and, if there is more than £800 in the account, money is transferred to a different account. It then gives the victim of the virus a false bank balance screen so they are unaware the cash has been taken.

Victims of online banking fraud like this usually have the missing money refunded but it can cause misery for those who need the money to pay monthly bills and other outgoings and they risk being overdrawn without realising it.

Among the victims are British bank account customers living abroad who tend to use online banking more frequently.

Financial Fraud Action UK, which co-ordinates the banking sector’s fight against fraud, confirmed that it had contacted the Metropolitan Police e-crimes unit about the attack. A spokeswoman said the bank had not been named because it did not want to worry customers, all of whom would be reimbursed as long as they had not been negligent.

Thousands of customers of a large UK bank have had their accounts emptied by what is being described as the most dangerous computer virus to date.

Criminals working from Easter Europe have stolen about £675,000 from customers at a top high street bank, which has not been named. About 3,000 accounts were entered between July 5 and August 4 and the theft is said to be still going on.

The accounts were raided after people had their computers infected by a new Trojan virus, known as Zeus v3, as they surfed the net, according to Internet protection firm M86 Security.

Trojans hide in websites, emails or downloads. Once installed on a computer they can record every type of the keyboard, steal confidential information or even open up a PC’s security so that it can be controlled remotely from another country.

‘This has the potential to worry a lot of people, which is not founded. The bank wants to make sure everything is being done behind the scenes to protect customers. It wants to make sure customers aren't unnecessarily alarmed,’ she added.

M86 said that the cyber criminals had modified the Zeus virus, which is one of the most popular type of Trojan used by fraudsters. ‘According to our research, these cybercriminals used a combination of the new Zeus v3 Trojan and exploit toolkits to successfully avoid anti-fraud systems while robbing bank accounts,’ a spokesman said.

He added that the development takes online hacking to a ‘new level of technical sophistication’ and it was the most dangerous virus found to date.

Boffins hack a car computer at high speed

The car is usually cut his warnings fraudulent messages stopped, but it was obvious long-term damage to your computer ..

After two days of tests, checking the electronic control unit for the belt should be replaced.

Technologies for testing cut costs about $ 1,500. μ

BOFFINS, that life, as in the fast lane was working way to hack into the system for warning the vehicle of wireless sensors.

According Jalonik, researchers at the University of South Carolina and has a wireless tire pressure sensors Rutgers, which are used by the monitoring systems to spoof wheels.

This technology is required for all new cars in the U.S. since 2008. Hacking was not easy as they had to work a secret code to go through computer control of the car. But after they could not send fake alert messages from 40 meters.

In one case a Test Drive was announced that a tire has lost all pressure signals beamed from another car while the two drove 68 mph.
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