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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Computer crash GSIS is "responsible contractor

GSIS said Questronix used in "strange" way, which led to the accident twice.

Last week, the GSIS officials Questronix letter sent the request, says the agency collapse caused "incalculable damage" and resulted in the backlog of applications for credit, including Filspåner of 20,000 claims, mostly by members of the new retirees.

In a letter to the GSIS on May 28 if Questronix oppose pension funds invested in disaster recovery and back and apply the appropriate recovery procedures, its members were not dependent on the left side of the crash.

Philippines technology contractor threatened with action from the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) for the failure of an electronic database of cast blame on the government pension fund.

Questronix Corp., which provided software for GSIS, said pension fund managers get people to crash their computers, due to poor management and lack of standard databases for backup.

Questronix led systems integrator for the GSIS database subsystems to assemble applications from German software manufacturer SAP AG, which included both licensed software developed by IBM Corporation.

GSIS claimed that it is equipped with "missing" software "and has threatened a series of lawsuits against IBM, SAP AG and Questronix.

In a statement to the Inquirer, Philippines GSIS IBM counters that IBM does not participate in the selection, adaptation and implementation of your system.

IBM DB2 and I packed with the request that was part of a global OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) agreement between SAP and IBM.

Danger! Your child may be cyber-Junkie

Nearly a quarter of the 600 computer gamers from Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu birth who participated in the survey admitted to shout shouting, swearing and throwing things while you play games.

Nearly 60 percent of young people say they "also" when playing, and children who do not play customs on how their peers have been aggressive in play.

Video games are not as harmless as some parents think.

South Africa becomes more and more children are dependent on their computers and games consoles - a worrying trend that affects their studies, physical and mental.

Film and publication board, which plans to classify the appropriateness of computer games for children, commissioned Ipsos Markinor to conduct a survey among 12 to 18 year olds.

Eight-year-old Johannesburg is a young person in the cyber-addicts.

Play any of these games became popular mania that he neglected his school and started to show aggressive behavior in class.

Dr. Aharon now treating the boy said that as a rule of thumb "Some spend more than four hours a day continuous electronic game can be classified as a cyber-addict.

According to surveys, retailers said it is difficult to prevent children from buying games that are unsuitable for them.

Between 20-30 new games available on the market every month of the new generation of game consoles as the PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 for sale between R500 and R700. Over one million South Africans consoles.

Children or require older brother to buy the game or some of those whose children have been rejected, they will call the parents to become upset with the retailers not to sell them to children, said the report.

Dr. Aharon now treating the boy said that as a rule of thumb "Some spend more than four hours a day continuous electronic game can be classified as a cyber-addict.

"There is a subtle dependence two hours of interactive games, you score points. This is the challenge of games to attract children. They say their friends for their performance and to achieve a sort of status by playing the game."

I said it was not the root of the problem of negative eight-year-old boy as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. "He just had access to a computer in his bedroom and his parents do not seem to worry too much," said now.

The survey showed that only 5 percent of parents actually monitoring what games their children play. Most parents allow their children to play educational games and electronic sports, and some allow them to play popular games such as the crime of Grand Theft Auto dealer Run, persecution and Red Dead revolver.

Her son, Luke, 13, who has a collection of more than 90 computer games, said they were only allowed to play their game when it was finished.

"Gambling is not much violent entertainment and I can not play these games," he said.

Alan Amory, technology, information and communications professor at the University of Johannesburg, said he is not "risk" whose children play computer games, under the supervision of adults. Games teach young people, all kinds of skills. Children growing digital so there is the whole argument that they think differently and behave differently, "he said.

Shuttleworth Foundation's Steve Vosloo said he was "a little moral panic" for computer games.

"There are many studies from the game says is good for education and in the city. I do not think that children who play violent games will go out and kill people."

Several other psychologists have confirmed that they had witnessed a growing number of young people show signs of cyber addiction - Spending hours playing computer games or chatting MXit Wednesday.

Blind computer programmer AIMSA high

Najat Saeed Hussain is a woman of substance to take responsibility seriously and not allow that she is blind and deaf to remain in its path.

Najat used hearing aid to communicate. Najat Gulf News caught up working for the development of Dubai Healthcare premises for examination of their unique and special personality.

"I was not born blind, but I lost my sight completely after two accidents. Accident was when I was hit with a bullet in my eyes as I was playing with some children. Several years later, I lost the sight in the eye else its like an accident, "she said.

She recalled her painful efforts to reach back through a series of treatments that proved unsuccessful.

"I used to have my injection in the eye, but it was bleeding and felt pain throughout the face. I have to undergo several treatments, but ultimately, I lost my hearing ability and today I heard use [A] hearing aid, "said Najat.

At first glance, no one will notice that a woman sitting behind a computer - a full investigation into his work - is truly blind.

Najat studies focused on operations research, which is an area that broadly based, including numbers.

Najat Graduate University of Hertfordshire in England with a bachelor's degree in 1999. She lived in London for 10 years where she learned Braille and walk with a cane. Najat also learn to do some craft work.

She learned to enter the type of author before the spread of computers.

She said that the dilemma as Wednesday came was that she would do to live.

"I was appointed a computer program for the Ministry of Health, but I did not really take the opportunity to excel, and I learned to complex computer programs in England," she said.

This is because many people can not see beyond the fact that she was blind, she said.

Her duties also include daily reading and responding to email inquiries online via email.

"Most of my colleagues often ask how to deal with computer and conduct this business, which is blind. I have an answer for them - there are [at] blind man can do what he or she wishes, if they want Thursday and will do it, "said Najat.

Despite going through a lot in life, Najat is ambitious and is aimed at the realization of our dreams.

"My desire is to see more emphasis on the blind people here, even for commercial enterprises.

"There is a need for more attention and guidance for the blind so they can achieve a high level."

The correct choice of the student computers

But between these two learning processes, food and transportation, my advice is different. Before buying your child a computer, the first is the age of the intended user. A Desktop to be more suitable for a young student in the middle of five to 12 years.

Good thing for the desktop computer is that you can easily upgrade it as a student grows. On the other hand, the choice of laptop for older students will be better because they can carry it around when working on presentations and projects.

Also consider the intended use of the computer. Should I use email, surf the Internet, research, school projects, chatting or playing games? The answers to these questions affect the price of the computer. If you present information is intended to use the computer to a dealer, he will advise on the various options.

New computer does not need to use the software. Achieving a fair, ask yourself what is best for your budget. If you are working on a tight budget, you should investigate the possibility to download free software to work with as a student completes his education.

Unlike earlier, the computer is an integral part of students' needs. It is not surprising that every week I get a dozen e-mails, mostly from parents who want suggestions on what type of computer to buy for their children.

For those who can afford high-end computers, the answer is very easy to buy the best available in the market, complete with powerful software and high-speed Internet. Give your best for their children. That is all.

Payment of license

Just because you do not pay licenses for software that does not mean that you have a great product. Most importantly, Office Suite software as Microsoft Office. It does not come pre-installed on your computer.

Can you purchase it from an authorized dealer. You can also try the free Google Docs ( Google Docs is crucial and will have everything you need for the Office Suite, including key templates.

Otherwise you can download This is a free office package comparable to the scaled down version of Microsoft Office. This set of free software can automatically convert your files to the versions that are compatible with Office Word, Excel and PowerPoint programs. When you buy a new computer, by default, it will undoubtedly be pre-installed Internet Explorer.

But you can also have other solutions that can be downloaded free. These include Opera ( and Firefox ( Firefox open source browser built-in pop-ups, smooth interface, tabbed browsing, lighting-fast speeds, built-in functionality for security and support for multiple plug-in.

But do not try to uninstall Internet Explorer. Better to keep it on the computer, at least to the Microsoft security patches downloaded, since it does not allow you to download patches using Firefox browser. You can also use Firefox to access the Microsoft Office templates.

If you buy a laptop and you plan to use it in public places to buy this Laptop Alarm ( software, which will emit a loud sound if someone tries to shut down your computer or remove the power cord. It will cost you less than Sh1, 000

Sometimes friends will send your documents, pictures and videos which do not open your computer - it is because you do not have the right viewer software on your computer. Just go to WWW. and transformed into a simple file format, for example. video format AVI,. JPG images, documents and books to your MP3 songs on your computer so you can play or open.

Obama setting up better security for computers

He said he would rather choose a man wants to lead a new office in the White House on cyber security, and this person will report to the National Security Council and the National Economic Council - a nod of his assertion that the economic prosperity of country depends on cyber security.

As coordinator of the exact title has not yet been determined, Obama addressed concerns that the person can not have a policy making and budget authority needed to change. Coordinator, said that he will have "regular access to me."

Up to a dozen candidates - from the public and private sectors - being considered for employment, according to officials familiar with the discussions.

America is not too long to protect the security of its computer networks, President Barack Obama said Monday, declaring that he would appoint a new Cyber death to press for action.

Surrounded by the deaths of public officials, corporate leaders and aides, Obama said that America has reached a "national transformations moment" when computer networks are probed and attacked millions of times a day.

"It is clear now that the cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security that we face as a nation," Obama said, adding: "We are not prepared as they should be the government or country.
Experts have expressed similar reservations.

"I expect a state is less a role that does not have budgetary authority, which reports to the NEC, will probably not lead to the kind of changes that really be done," said Gene Spafford, computer security expert and professor at Purdue University, when candidate Obama said before last year to make a priority of cyber.

Obama said he would work with the coordinator of the Office of Management and Budget agencies to ensure that spending priorities reflect the needs.

Generally, a computer company executives and members of Congress greeted Obama announced as a good first step and warned that it is very difficult work that remains to be done.

"As the private sector owns and manages most of our critical infrastructure, government and businesses have a shared responsibility to protect the network," said Ann Beauchesne, Vice President for National Security of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Throw the whole five point plan, the President of the United States of America to provide training necessary to keep pace with technology and to attract and maintain a cyber-savvy workforce. He called for new educational campaigns to raise public awareness about the challenges and threats related to cyber security.

New interconnected world offers great promise, but it also poses a significant risk, the President said to declare: "cyber-space is real, and so is the risk that comes with it."

He assured business, however, that the government will not dictate how the private sector should enhance the digital protective. And when it became clear that the new cyber security efforts will not include any monitoring of private networks or individual e-mail accounts.

The Internet, he says, must remain open and free.

Business leaders and experts in cybernated space, however, say they are concerned that the new coordinator will not have enough power to force government agencies are willing to devote turf wars or dictate how to spend millions of dollars in the U.S. His current budgets digital..

Obama announces comes as the Pentagon does not want to create a new Cyber Command, to improve the protection of networks and coordination of its military offensive and defensive cyber missions.

Government officials have grown increasingly alarmed by the UC networks has been repeatedly assailed by the attacks and scams, ranging from hacker attacks and sneaky public policy studies, including allegations of cyber espionage in other countries such as China. Officials revealed at the beginning of this year there was an attack on the network and Pentagon computers have been infected with the virus.

Computer repairs discovered child pornography

Surkis, 69, who was also academic dean of the College John Abat 22 years and executive director of the Center for Holocaust Memorial, spent the night in jail before being released a long list of conditions yesterday afternoon.

It is forbidden to be in the presence of minors or in any park or playground where children congregate. It was not clear whether this requirement applies to children's great.

It was only when Bill Surkis his computer to send a repair shop to check for the virus was reported that police suspected the hard drive of your video.

Based on this evidence, the former regional director of B'nai runner in Quebec was held yesterday with two issues related to ownership and access to child pornography between July and November 2008.

It is prohibited to use any computer or other devices to access the Internet, apart from work and he is forbidden to go to internet cafes.

Surkis recently served as political consultant.

He was ordered to submit his passport and not to remain in Quebec, where the written consent of the prosecution.

If found guilty, Surkis will face a mandatory minimum sentence of 14 days and a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Having said Slimovitch stressed that no prior history or Surkis charges for the use of child pornography. And althoug videos were found on his computer, Slimovitch said his client was not charged with making, selling or trading videos.

Slimovitch, also National Legal Counsel for B'nai tentacle Canada, said the news will probably come as a shock to the Jewish community.

"It is a community leader," he said. "We will take all take a step back and look seriously at this."

Surkis lawyer Steven Slimovitch, said his client was very disturbed by the allegations.

"He understands how serious the charge," said Slimovitch. "We will not make light of it."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

UC Berkeley hackers breach computer database

Student Kate Monroe, 27, said he was a serious warning and the school plans to have the fraud alert free to add your credit report.

"My mother has worked on identity theft and it is not a joke," said Monroe. "During cleared her identity is almost impossible."

The school said Friday he has not received any reports of identity theft from students who have been notified.

In March 2005 crack appeared in the UC Berkeley office and swiped a computer laptop containing personal information of nearly 100,000 Alumni, students and past applicants. Officials said the laptop was discovered before any personal information has been violated.

Six months before a computer hacker trying to access UC Berkeley study is done for the State Department of Social Services. These files contain personal data on 600,000 individuals.

A total of 97,000 Social Security numbers were stolen said Shelton Waggener, UC Berkeley Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and the first chief information officer.

Social Security Number may be used by identity thieves to enter a person through an ongoing credit history or credit cards and bank accounts, according to the California Office of Privacy. Data can be used to open new bank accounts and loans, or even to get a license in the name of the victim, the protection of privacy, officials warn.

The school has identified a total of 160,000 names in the database and contact with everyone, regardless of their social security, it is also in danger.

In violation occurred on the server Oct 6, 2008 and continue until April 9 when the housing support staff carry out routine to find the school said the message was left by the attackers.

"There are indications that the attackers left taunting messages to the system administrator of the controller, which is broken into," said Waggener. "This is a common hacker approach to identify themselves."

University of California, Berkeley, officials said Friday that hackers infiltrated limited data, a computer, as the risk to health and other personal data on 160,000 students, graduates and others.

University said the data includes Social Security numbers, dates of birth, medical information and medical records dating back to 1999. Personal medical information - such as patient diagnoses, treatments and therapies - were not in danger, officials said.

The database contains personal information for parents, spouses and Mills College student who uses or Berkeley are eligible for health care.

Jefferson County collection combines art and computers

Develop a program using the printer fragile, almost sandy materials. He presents them in accordance with the guidelines of the computer in a very slow process. A part in the show is about 15 inches long. It took nine hours hours to write.

Printing is not the last step. The pieces are very fragile. They must be stable before it is put on display. The resulting pieces are remarkable for their apparent form and delicacy.

CORREIA use this process to make a pot of money to close the show. Technique for the first time in five years. Adding color to products came later.

In some cases the materials are very fragile. There is no way that the main foods print lamps and vases can be shaped by a person without disintegrating. It is very difficult to weld them into a polymer without being offended.

The miniatures are a different matter. They usually provide a test version of what their creators hope it will be much more finished product. Artists can do them, but time will eliminate at the end of the project. Computers to help them achieve a step, while still able to adapt to the full product.

Moreover, says Professor Monica CORREIA, bringing studio technology forces students to think differently.

In the beginning only seems to have a problem with the use of computers to prepare a work of art.

People usually see the arts and sciences, as almost a separate company to manage and religion. Sitting in front of the screen to create a computer may be good for Bill Gates, but it is hard to see Picasso liked the idea.

Then you will see a finished piece on display until early June at Ikon Gallery in Fairfield, and it is unclear why a small part of the University of Iowa artists using computers. Of course it is impossible and incredibly complex forms miniatures can not be done by hand.

CORREIA teaches at the University of 3-D Design program in the school division is seeking to merge technology and art. She found that students are students at the time easily. They rose to about computers. This is the level of students having difficulties in implementing long sketch book.

Jared Williams, a certain proportion of these students do not begin as an artist. He says he is "always artistic installations. Williams Woodworking pleased but also had enough exposure to computers, to know his way around a program.

Since the play of his career first. He finally realized that it is much better than the art that pharmaceutical sales. Then he returned to school.

Hackers breach U.S. air traffic control computers

In 2006, she said the virus on the Internet and distribution of the FAA forced to close some of its air traffic control (ATC) in Alaska.

The audit was conducted by the Assistant Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Transportation and released this week. A copy of this report is drawn from the Web CNET News Agency and published online.

"The need to protect the ATC system from cyber attacks requires attention because of the extensive (FAA) are increasingly addressing the use of commercial software and Internet protocol-based technologies níže mother ATC systems report said.

He said that the use of commercial software and Internet applications can increase efficiency, but "inevitably entails a higher risk of security systems in ATC, as it was developed with proprietary software."

Software deficiencies are particularly worrying at a time when the nation is facing increasing threat of sophisticated nation-sponsored cyber-attacks, "said the report.

"By using these weaknesses to gain unauthorized access to information stored on the Web using computers," she said.

"Moreover, these vulnerabilities could allow attackers to compromise the FAA computer users by injecting malicious code on a computer," she said.

Hackers broke into the U.S. air traffic control computers on several occasions in recent years and greater reliance on web applications and commercial software has made the network vulnerable, according to a government audit.

Among the violations is an attack on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in February 2009, when computer hackers trying to access personal information of 48,000 current and former FAA employees, the report says.

The report said a safety test identified 763 "high-risk vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker with immediate access to a computer system and allows for example to implement the remote commands.

The Wall Street Journal said an FAA spokeswoman, Laura Brown, had rejected some of the conclusions in the report, including the degree of violation in 2006 that led to the partial implementation of the ATC in Alaska.

Remove the disks with the U.S. air defense spokesman purchase on eBay auction news

The CD also contains a security blue prints of buildings and personal information about employees to social security, including some who belong technology company Lockheed Martin - are designed and built into the system.

THAAD Project sanctioned by the then U.S. president Ronald Reagan as part of "Star Wars" Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980s.

Very sensitive and confidential information from the U.S. military anti-air defense, known as THAAD were found in second-hand hard drive eBay purchase Wednesday, according to researchers from university'd research team.

A disc eBay purchased Wednesday by the research team revealed details of the test to begin procedures for THAAD (Terminal higher altitude Area Defense) system ground to air missile defense, which is used to determine the Scud missiles during the fire in 1991 USA and the Iraq war.

Glamorgan University researchers found that a significant number of computer hard drives, which are bought second-hand still contain sensitive company and personal information.

The 5-year study, now in its fourth year, was commissioned by BT, and performs more than 300 computer hard drives from the United Kingdom, USA, Germany, France and Australia, through auctions, eBay and computer fairs.

Its aim is to inform the public about the risk of serious disposal of computer equipment without the proper disposal of personal information and commercial.

Researchers found that 34 percent of the tested discs bought by scientists, which includes a wide range of information, including bank accounts, medical records, confidential business plans, corporate financial data, personal ID numbers, job descriptions and classified defense spokesman information.

Dr. Andy Jones, head of information security research at BT, said:''This is the fourth time you do this study and it is clear that the majority of individuals and organizations still have no idea about the potential volume and type of information stored on your computer hard drive. For a large part in the form of hard drives, we have found sufficient information to take on both individuals and companies other potential crimes such as fraud, black mail and identity theft. Companies should also be aware that they can not act illegally disposing of this type of data correctly.''

In August last year, trade Andrei, head of IT at the University of Oxford, personal data, to find more than one million people used the laptop he bought eBay Wednesday.

Scientists say a''surprisingly large range and quantity of information may have commercial potential impact damaged or pose a threat to identity and privacy have been issued as a result of the investigation.''

Confidential material, including computer network and security logs from the German embassy in Paris was discovered in the disc in France.

A hard drive of the U.S. bank account numbers, and revealed details of the proposed 50 billion dollars in foreign currency, through Spain. There seemed also that information about business relationships originating in the United States with organizations in Venezuala, Nigeria and Tunisia.

Personal correspondence was also found by a member of the Federal Reserve Board suggest action now under the control of the European Central Bank, appeared suspicious.

Some data from the disk that contains known UK-based fashion company, including information on trade execution, budget, discount codes and names and addresses of customers.

Dusty open markets near Peshawar Pakistan or Nigeria and China are among the places to buy a computer hard drives that were purchased used and highly sensitive, containing classified U.S. defense information systems, business information, personal information or company Reval research from the Faculty of Advanced Technology at the University of Glamorgan.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

U. C. ATC vulnerable to Cyber Attack

FAA officials could not be reached immediately. But the Agency has adopted a report on problems and plans for further amendments to web applications and increased use of systems to detect intrusions.

The FAA uses commercial software programs to disseminate information on the Internet, but the Agency failed to install adequate intrusion detection alarms necessary to protect, the report says. Web Application Systems that are used frequently serves as a gateway to other systems and sensitive data stored elsewhere.

American systems, air traffic control, are at high risk of attack because of their links to dangerous web applications, managed by aviation authorities throughout the country, according to U.S. Department of Transportation audit.

Penetration Rate Testers found 763 high-risk sectors of weaknesses in Web applications 70 used for the allocation of functions such as communication frequencies for pilots and controllers to the public and other applications used for domestic air traffic control (ATC) in the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the report says.

Hackers have done harm. In February, attackers try to access the online application and weak internal FAA database that provides names, dates of birth, social security numbers, pay grades and addresses of some 48,000 current and former employees.

In August 2008, hackers compromised the critical network servers and may have closed them, which can cause serious disruption of the FAA mission support network, "says the report.

During the audit, officials of the consultancy firm KPMG and the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Office of Inspector General to gain unauthorized access to computer-related traffic management system infrastructure Aviation Weather System to Juneau and Albuquerque ATC tower, the report says.

Access is possible due to the wrong web applications, some of which were available to the public, whatever is determined by unpatched software vendor, she says.

High-risk vulnerabilities are classified as if a hacker can take over your computer, steal or alter data systems. Testers also found 504 medium risk and low risk of vulnerability in 2590, such as the use of weak passwords and critical files, folders, vulnerable, the report says.

"In our view, unless effective action is taken quickly, it is likely to be a matter of when, not if, ATC system faces serious attacks, which do not harm the ATC operations report concluded.
More than 800 computer-related security incidents were reported in fiscal 2008 for the Air Traffic Control Organization (them), get involved in the management of some 50,000 aircraft moves in the U.S. airspace daily. By the end of the year, these problems after 150 events have not yet been defined, including critical incidents in which hackers can take control of these computers, "said the report

Twelve million Zombie Computers From January

Greg Pellegrino, a world leader in the public sector that DTT, told the BBC:

"It moves so quickly and so affected economically and in terms of security and protection of people, we have 100 years of this figure."

"We are with this amendment to protect the Internet to talk about how to succeed and flourish in cyberspace."

Protection rose at a rate never seen before, until the threat environment increases by an amount equal to 40 percent a year. "

"With regard to the extent and severity of incidents of mathematics is not working and we need to come up with an approach that required various public and private sectors work together."

All this comes as President Obama is preparing to release a review in cyber security as his administration has become a priority.

Jeff Green, Senior Vice President of McAfee, said:

"The mass growth of these botnets provides cyber-criminals with the infrastructure they need to flood the network with malware."

"In essence, this is a cyber-crime enablement."

Meanwhile, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (DTT) says in a letter to the new cyberthreats never grow strong and urgent action is required.

A new report from security company McAfee said in January that about 12 million computers infected by malware and turned into zombita, making them part of botnets, Zombie, and that these figures have risen by 50 percent since passed.

At 18 percent, the U.S. hosts the largest number of machines infected, followed by China with 13 percent.

Government Computer Secrets Found on eBay sale

A spokesman for Lockheed Martin, which makes the launch system THADD, declined to comment on the information on your hard disk.

"The Lockheed Martin disk can be estimated in this area, it is not possible to comment further or content resource potential," said the spokesman of the Daily Mail. "Lockheed Martin is not aware of any compromise of data in relation to high altitude Terminal Area Defense program."

4 annual survey conducted by several universities analyze computer hard drives purchased in auctions, eBay and computer fairs.

I surrendered to the FBI computers containing documents from Lockheed Martin that included detailed procedures for testing old photos and personal information about employees, including their numbers and social security blue prints of buildings, the publication reported.

"If it is not begging the question, what is there?" Glenn Dardick, assistant professor of information systems at Longwood University in Virginia, told the Guardian.

Offering job recruitment advertising 3G Apple Computers

80 more mobile operators are already selling smartphone to Apple iPhone, so Apple is a large group of potential partners to choose from. In the U.S., executives from AT & T Inc. (T), the U.S. special iPhone service, said it would welcome the sale of Macintosh computers.

"We are very interested in the wireless network to allow other electronic devices," AT & T spokesman Mark Siygel said Wednesday. And I'm not commenting on what we can do in the future. "

A spokesman for Apple had no immediate comment.

Finally kapchesti help wanted ad suggests Apple Inc (AAPL) plans to make some of its personal computers in accordance with advanced cellular telephone network.

Any such move will enable mobile operators to sell the Apple Macintosh. Now offers a growing number of competitors Apple Computers as low as $ 49 after signing a contract of wireless Internet services. Sales tactics have helped to increase the destiny that Dell Inc. (Dell), Hewlett-Packard Co.. (HPQ) and other vendors on the computer.

Help wanted advertising, first noticed by Computer World, and later removed from the site of Apple, which called for quality assurance engineer with experience in and / or 3G wireless WAN. The "3G" is a reference to third generation mobile phone networks that offer wireless Internet access, similar to the slow wire-based alternatives, while the pale zone refers to the broader network. Apple Macintosh is not currently 3G feature.

Apple shares were set 0.1 percent of $ 132.60

Teen hacker turns cyber crime Corporate Adviser

Owen Thor Walker skills that can help senior managers and clients understand the security threats in their network, TelstraClear spokesman Chris Mirams Customs National Radio on Wednesday.

Walker pleaded guilty last year to a range of expenses in connection with his work for an international ring that infiltrated the FBI estimated 1.3 million computers and skimmed bank or damaged computer systems, amounting to more than 20 million U.S. dollars.

He was 18 years old when he stood trial in July.

A teenage hacker from New Zealand who helped infiltrate a crime ring for more than 1 million computers worldwide and skim millions of dollars from a bank account is reconciled as cyber-Security in the second-largest telecommunications operator.
Walker tariff concessions delegates that cyber criminals are trying to achieve, and how to protect their networks against these threats, he said.

Some hackers send emails in bulk to corporate or government facilities, computer systems to overload and crash the system. Others take control of thousands of computers and their Amas center controlled clusters known as botnets.

The attacker can use computers to steal credit card information, manipulate stock crash Selling industry and computer systems.

TelstraClear is a wholly owned subsidiary of Australia's largest Telco, Telstra.

The charges against Walker - who used the Internet name "Achilles" and also wrote programs for botnet infiltration crime network - have been released and he was released without a criminal after the forfeiture of money and is paid by forfeiting his criminal group expertise.

Walker presented a series of seminars for TelstraClear, advised senior management and security personnel in the company and has participated in advertising campaigns, Mirams said.

"This is really ... just to get them to know what type of cyber threats that are there for development," said Mirams.
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