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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Computer programs that make you sweat

Traditional video games have been blamed for contributing to childhood obesity, but Dance Dance Revolution, introduced by the Japanese company Konami nine years is such that the exercise of good schools in the U.S. began using it in gym class. The game comes with floor mat, which essentially puts computer buttons below. As a song plays, arrows on the screen - forward, backward, left or right. Players step on corresponding arrows on the floor mat.

Nintendo Wii makes games that allow people to play tennis, baseball, golf or live in their rooms. Its bowling game has become popular in Seniors' residences, "says Dr. Whitehead.

"She is drawing Seniors from their presidents.

But the Wii games use only one sensor, and Dr. Whitehead says that when he was released for a year, he asked whether it is possible to develop more complex games use more athletic sensors.

"The goal is to integrate more realism into the game," says Dr. Whitehead.

Besides the obstacles the team has developed a game long jump and 100 meter sprint. When Ms. Johnston plays them, the three sensors on his body to tell the computer how fast his feet moving. It calculates the speed here, and how she shops.

They came to play their dance, melodrama. Ms. Johnston, in her final year degree students, number of copies of Michael Jackson is in possession of the picture. This game uses four hours sensors tell it to your computer if your body is the correct position. If it takes the right bag, with colored stars appear.

In the dark computer lab at Carleton University, Hannah Johnston prepares to tackle obstacles.

In the 22-year-old is wearing jeans - no Athletic gear - and three small sensors are clipped to the body: one of her hip and one for each foot. She returned to her socks, she expects the game to start the computer.

Anthony Whitehead, assistant professor in the School of Information Technology has arranged his laptop with projector.

Since the Rocky theme fills the room, Mrs.. Johnston of the event, a comic that presents obstacles here, the screen displayed on the screen and began to work down the track.

Ms. Johnston begins sprinting on the spot. The first hurdle approaches and leap into the air, but is not very high. Her avatar crashes - not once but 10 times in a row. For the second time he plays, he makes more than an obstacle.

"He gets to dress," she said. "It's different from sitting at a computer."

Not many computer scientists have developed sweat designing new programs, but Dr. Whitehead, Ms.. Johnston and several other students trying to improve its video games and the players move.

Mars orbit of powerful computer spare keys

Approximately $ 720 million discovery is circling Mars orbit in March 2006, and the images broadcast home, and that more data on any other missions to the red planet combined. In the original spacecraft and the mission ended in 2008 is currently in mid-flight that is scheduled to begin in mid-2010.

Engineers are able to increase their rate of communication with the spacecraft, but I believe that some technical data on the precise terms of circuit behavior can occur as lost forever.

JPL spokesperson Guy Webster said NASA engineers are confident they can revive their safe space craft from sleep until Monday or Tuesday if all goes well. New problem appears not to have one that has plagued the same ship two times earlier this year, but it is something of JPL engineers have been seen earlier, he said.

Strong orbit Mars Explorer (MRO) suddenly switched to the redundant Side B computing subsystems, before the introduction of the protective safe mode on Thursday - the third computer problem this year for 4-year-old spacecraft which is currently under the mission.

"The ship is safe, with good temperatures and charged with battery and solar panels should face the sun," said Jim Erickson, project manager of NASA orbit jet propulsion laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, calif. "The flight team is careful to take steps to return to normal operation."

In February and June unexpected circulatory Side A computer restarted it, send it in safe mode, while engineers on Earth worked to revive the office of the craft sector a few days. Engineers on issues related to the two hits of homeless cosmic rays or solar particles.

Safe Mode is a self-protective mechanism that allows the spacecraft to shut down and awaits instructions from Earth when it encounters a situation in which the functions of an independent board is not responsible for the mission managers said.

Chief of the U.S. Agency for emergency computer list

Today GIS Kwon wrote that he is employed as Vice President of RSA Security in the public sector solution.

Last week, wrote about the departure is in the White House Cyber Security death.

In March, Rod Beck Strom, director of the National Center for Cyber Security and Homeland Security, resigned, and the lack of support and the body so it was a power grab by the National Security Agency.

Friday, Kwon resigned as director of the National Center for Cyber Security in Homeland Security Administration said that Obama "Cyber security is a top priority."

Kevin Coleman of Technolytics which describes itself as "an independent executive think tank, says the discrepancy is worrying.

Director of the U.S. Computer Emergency Response team has resigned, allegedly because she was disappointed by the bureaucratic obstacles and lack sufficient powers to the Ministry of Homeland Security, Defense Tech tells us.

Mischel Kwon, U. S. CERT fourth director in five years, some on Friday, the Government Information Security first reported. A team from the Bush administration, which is engaged in June 2008. Earlier she was chief IT security technologist for Justice.

Tories issue warning over NHS computer contract

Many government contracts for NHS IT kept secret for commercial reasons, which means the Tories do not know whether they will face punitive tariffs or other barriers to renegotiation.

Mr. O'Brien acknowledged that trying to change the IT procurement can actually cost the public money in the beginning, although he insists that the move would be worth little.

He said: "Until you had sight of these contracts will not know the extent of

My renegotiation if it is free or cost free. Of

The main thing is that there will be saving. "

In the perspective of health data held by commercial companies, he has some questions about its safety. David Davis, a former shadow home secretary, has sharply criticized the plan.

Mr. O'Brien insists that the open source system can be more secure.

The rich keep the local systems for data scattered across the country are more certain that the information which the central monolith, "he said, noting that centralized IT management systems, such as HM Revenue & Customs" were included in spending large data.

The Conservatives said yesterday that they were sending "a clear signal of intent" to remove large parts of the NHS National Program for IT, business £ 12 billion plan to allow for electronic transmission and management of data centers.

Stephen O'Brien, shadow health minister, yesterday announced an independent review of NHS IT systems contractor it.

Promising an end to the work, centralized management of access to information, he said that the Conservatives would give patients greater control over their medical records, which may be held in web-based systems that are managed by companies like Google and Microsoft.

With respect to the renegotiation of local service contracts between contractors and the areas of the NHS, Mr. O'Brien, that some parts of the current system will be abandoned immediately.

Central "backbone" that connects all parts of the NHS and enable the patient data must be accessible from all corners of the service will be scrapped, said Mr. O'Brien, his review, says: It is a little demand for universally identified data access between the NHS health professionals.

Computer Sciences receives USDA contract security

Computer Sciences shares rose 14 cents to $ 49.59 in afternoon trading.

Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

Information technology company Computer Sciences Corp. said Monday they can offer contracts to five years of security support for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The USDA awarded contracts for computer science (CSC - news - people) and five other companies. Contracts for one year base period and four options years. The total value of contracts is 30 million U.S. dollars.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Are we on the verge of setting up the computer with the human brain?

This is not just pie-in-the-sky. Blue Brain project, led by computer genius Henry Markram - who also is director of the Center for Neuroscience & Technology Institute of Mind and brain - in the last five years is the manipulation of the mammalian brain, the most complex known object in the universe, using some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

And last month, Professor Markram said the conference in Oxford, he plans to build an electronic human brain "within ten years.

If he is right, nothing will be the same again. But such extraordinary claim that they are reliable? When you think of artificial minds, we inevitably think of the many cars that have starred in dozens of Sci-Fi movies.

In fact, most scientists - and science fiction writers - tend to focus on the nuts and bolts of robotics: how to make artificial muscles, which makes a car, watch and listen, how to create a realistic skin and tendons and skin links to smile convincingly.

But what is normal over the past is the most complicated problem of all: how to make the car feel.

This problem is one of the key issues for the contemporary philosophy and goes to the heart of what they know, or rather, I do not know in relation to the human mind.

Most of us imagine that the brain is more like a computer. In many ways, it can store data and processes vast amounts of information.

There are only a small part of the scientific revolution that will truly change the world. Eternity will be a pill. Time machine will be different.

Faster than light travel, so the stars studied in human life will be on the list, too.

In my opinion, however, creation of artificial brains probably trump all of these - the development that will build a network of complex and confusing moral and philosophical phenomena. Amazingly, it can also be within range.

In an hour, life and travel medicine Style Star warp thread drive away, as always, a team of researchers in Switzerland argues that a fully functioning copy of the human brain can be built in 2020.

So what is it that three pounds of gray mass which gives rise to a sense of deliberate self-consciousness, feelings and thoughts for the agonies and ecstasies to constitute a human being?

It is a question that has vexed scientists for centuries, and philosopher. Traditional to assume that any kind of answer is "the man" is the pressure in the brain, a mysterious "ghost car" that gives rise to feelings of self and consciousness.

If so, then computers, cars are not flesh and blood, never think. I can not build a robot that will feel pain, or angry and the Blue Brain project will fail.

But some researchers still subscribe to this traditional "dualistic" View - "dualistic" because it is "May" and "problems" are two different things.

Instead, most of neuro-scientists believe that our feelings of self, pain, love, etc. are simply the result of countless billions of electrical and chemical impulses that diligent among its countless billions of neurons.

So if you build something that works exactly like the brain, conscience, at least in theory, will follow.

Indeed, several research teams are working to prove the case are trying to build an electronic brain. They are not trying to build a flesh and blood as the brain of modern day Dr. Frankenstein.

They use powerful computers to mainframe "model" in the brain. But, says the result will be the same.

Within two years, a team of IBM Almaden Research Laboratory at the University of Nevada spent Blue Gene / L super computer model half mouse braina

Computer mapping in agriculture is rooted

In precision agriculture, GIS software has tools to make it possible to display detailed data on crop production and factors that may affect crop yields as soil fertility, soils, pest control pollution, grass beds and rainfall distribution.

GIS tools also allow to plan the necessary measures to eliminate the factors that may limit or prevent waste agrochemicals use of chemicals that are not necessary.

In short, GIS uses computerized maps to combine, analyze and display critical information and assisted GPS satellite, remote sensing, data collection.

Globally, many companies are based in agriculture take advantage of advanced computer technology mapping using Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographical Information System (GIS).

Both systems have become more prominent in agriculture, which contributes to increasing its revenue and reduce costs by identifying relevant activities, such as location and seasonal crops, pesticides and fertilizers to optimize the quantities to give the exact formulation of certain cultures, and - most exciting of all - allows precision agriculture.

Currently, companies in the U.S., Europe and even India is actively using computer mapping technology most critical source of information, such as crop yield prediction.

While these technologies in the local agricultural scene must not be anything new, purpose and extent of their implementation is still questionable.

Many believe there is sufficient space for growth, the fact that the world is running low local orchard.

Use appropriate "mapping" technology, the country can fully maximize the potential of its farmland with specific areas targeted for planting crops such as palm oil, rubber, cocoa and timber.

Idle or even swampy country has the possibility of growing non-traditional money but it takes a Nipah palm and jatropha crops (raw material for biodiesel) and kenaf as a detailed analytical assessment was performed using GPS and GIS.

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