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Monday, August 10, 2009

Are we on the verge of setting up the computer with the human brain?

This is not just pie-in-the-sky. Blue Brain project, led by computer genius Henry Markram - who also is director of the Center for Neuroscience & Technology Institute of Mind and brain - in the last five years is the manipulation of the mammalian brain, the most complex known object in the universe, using some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

And last month, Professor Markram said the conference in Oxford, he plans to build an electronic human brain "within ten years.

If he is right, nothing will be the same again. But such extraordinary claim that they are reliable? When you think of artificial minds, we inevitably think of the many cars that have starred in dozens of Sci-Fi movies.

In fact, most scientists - and science fiction writers - tend to focus on the nuts and bolts of robotics: how to make artificial muscles, which makes a car, watch and listen, how to create a realistic skin and tendons and skin links to smile convincingly.

But what is normal over the past is the most complicated problem of all: how to make the car feel.

This problem is one of the key issues for the contemporary philosophy and goes to the heart of what they know, or rather, I do not know in relation to the human mind.

Most of us imagine that the brain is more like a computer. In many ways, it can store data and processes vast amounts of information.

There are only a small part of the scientific revolution that will truly change the world. Eternity will be a pill. Time machine will be different.

Faster than light travel, so the stars studied in human life will be on the list, too.

In my opinion, however, creation of artificial brains probably trump all of these - the development that will build a network of complex and confusing moral and philosophical phenomena. Amazingly, it can also be within range.

In an hour, life and travel medicine Style Star warp thread drive away, as always, a team of researchers in Switzerland argues that a fully functioning copy of the human brain can be built in 2020.

So what is it that three pounds of gray mass which gives rise to a sense of deliberate self-consciousness, feelings and thoughts for the agonies and ecstasies to constitute a human being?

It is a question that has vexed scientists for centuries, and philosopher. Traditional to assume that any kind of answer is "the man" is the pressure in the brain, a mysterious "ghost car" that gives rise to feelings of self and consciousness.

If so, then computers, cars are not flesh and blood, never think. I can not build a robot that will feel pain, or angry and the Blue Brain project will fail.

But some researchers still subscribe to this traditional "dualistic" View - "dualistic" because it is "May" and "problems" are two different things.

Instead, most of neuro-scientists believe that our feelings of self, pain, love, etc. are simply the result of countless billions of electrical and chemical impulses that diligent among its countless billions of neurons.

So if you build something that works exactly like the brain, conscience, at least in theory, will follow.

Indeed, several research teams are working to prove the case are trying to build an electronic brain. They are not trying to build a flesh and blood as the brain of modern day Dr. Frankenstein.

They use powerful computers to mainframe "model" in the brain. But, says the result will be the same.

Within two years, a team of IBM Almaden Research Laboratory at the University of Nevada spent Blue Gene / L super computer model half mouse braina

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