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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Brain-computer interface to give your thoughts via the internet (No Blog)

This process involves two people who are attached with both EEG amplifier, two computers, internet connection, and LED lamp. The test subjects were first asked to transmit his thoughts through a computer. The opinions are difficult personal subject is simply asked to move his hand, means that it is so I think "to move my hand." His thoughts are translated into computer language, which consists of a series of binary digits, zeros and ones. For example, when he lifted his right hand, reading the computer, and when he lifted his left hand, the computer reads zero.

Scientists have long been the development of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) system, thus improving quality of life of paralyzed or disabled, enabling them to control devices such as computers and wheelchairs, using only their minds. But facilities are not allowed two people to communicate with each other without speaking, until now.

Christopher James I University of Southampton Institute of Sound and Vibration Research has developed a way to reach the brain to brain communication using technology effectively BCI-face opportunity to send their thoughts and / or her brain waves via the Internet.

Upon receipt of a computer, which intercepts the signal being transmitted across the network, the second object, without blinking LED lights. Based on these models, believes have been transferred. To ensure that the other party understands what is happening, James used a computer to confirm that the activity of the second person of the brain to create the same and zero. The figure is a comparison which shows that the message was relayed actually think straight.

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