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Thursday, February 3, 2011

8 Ways To Host Your Site

There are 8 basic types of the web hosting available in the market today. Hosting even by IT standards, is not considered exciting, if it was a country it would be Belgium. If it was another business it would be fleet car leasing, where shared hosting would be company car pooling. Dedicated, leasing of cars to a sales force on a rolling annual rental contract or lease agreement. Like the gold rush in the Sierra Nevada in 49, nobody pays much attention to the stores the picks and shovels, but this is a mistake it can be vital to your sites success. It is crucial to security and in vital if maintaining site integrity, to have a hosting partner who will grow with you and react quickly and decisively to resolve problems when they arise. A good host can even be a source of revenue for your site.

1. Dedicated Server – rental as well as the exclusive use of an internet connection, server and software

2. Shared hosting – Multiple websites are being hosted on just one remote hard drive and server

3. Reseller hosting – reselling of hosting accounts for another web host under a brand of your own. You determine the pricing structure and other aspects of the offer.

4. Virtual Private Server - You are not renting a real server, but you are rather splitting hardware with the other virtual servers running on the same machine. Many self contained virtual server can exist on one rented remote server.

5. Free hosting – Service usually offered by ISP’s or compensated with advertisements on your website. Free hosting usually offers little or no support, bandwidth, space, or the free scripts or site building features you enjoy with shared and dedicated hosting.

6. Managed Hosting - Expanded dedicated web server hosting. In dedicated servers, the client has to take care of his or her own server but in managed hosting, the provider would have the responsibility of doing that Unmanaged Hosting - Total remote control administration of your web server. The server's technical aspects are controlled by the designated administrator which you would select to manage and handle your website information.

7. Colocation – Requires that you to bring your server to the data center of your host.

8. Clustered hosting - Used by the biggest and most important websites, you buy manage and physically house the servers yourself. Clustered means that the same content would be served on a number of servers enabling better redundancy and resource. Works well for Google.

As you can see there are many types of hosting account. Whether you are planning business web hosting or you intend to run a school site or maybe you are simply planning on getting a small hobby site up and running, you have a decision to make, what hosting package do you chose.

This article abstract is published on behalf of an online web services company. We are the one stop web shop, everything you need to set up a site under one roof, we trawl through the web and review the best services and then publish just a select list of web services we try to restrict to just six service providers in each category.

To learn more, we have more than 20 articles on design, hosting, analytics, and web development CLICK HERE

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