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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don't Let Bad E-Commerce Web Hosting Cost You Business

A reliable web hosting company is crucial especially if you operate a business on the internet offering products for sale the require you to have e-commerce web hosting with shopping carts. Unless you have some mega store it is unlikely that you will need your own servers which could cost you several hundred dollars a month, but you do need e-commerce that is reliable and trustworthy that has a good reputation for uptime. When you are running an online business servers being down is the equivalent of having the doors locked in a brick and mortar business.

One of the great things about web hosting is that you have a myriad of choices ranging from low end shared hosting for less than $10 per month to having high end dedicated servers than run well over $300 per month. Whichever one you choose I still recommend you have someone else do the management of the servers for you unless you are a techno geek.

There are many web hosting companies that offer services with specific e-commerce hosting packages built just for small businesses. Knowing what company to choose is a more difficult decision than trying to find one, not just because of the number of choices of web hosting companies available but because the particular e-commerce web hosting needs vary between different companies. As I mentioned before, it is imperative that you take this aspect of putting your business online very seriously as it can make the difference in success or failure.

One of the key issues that you need to be concerned with when you are looking at e-commerce web hosting packages for your business is how much bandwidth you are allowed. Not having enough bandwidth can hurt your business tremendously especially if you get a good deal of traffic or you sell items that have large downloads as well. The bandwidth is shared by all who are on your server and all the visitors who are on it at any given time so don?t cut yourself short..

Another key issue to look for in e-commerce web hosting is a web hosting company with the fewest "hops? from the internet backbone, hops are basically each server or router that are between the user and the internet backbone, the best of course would be a hosting company that feeds directly from the internet backbone. You should also try to choose a company that has the latest state of the art web server hardware with the most up to date multiple processor servers to avoid any problems.

As mentioned previously reliability is a must as well as redundancy which means they should have more than one backbone provider in case something goes wrong. If you plan on having an online store or large catalogue disk space will definitely be an issue that you will want to address as well. The e-commerce web hosting company you choose should also provide the best security for the online transactions that you will be accepting which at this time is called SSL.

These are the basic e-commerce web hosting features you should have, you may require upgrades such as back end data integration or recurring payment options but those are things you can discuss with the host you choose.

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