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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Flight computers in the heart of Air France crash?

Some Brazilian warship, French submarines, two towing vessels and Dutch high-tech U.S. Navy listening devices are scouring preparations Atlantic for any signs of pinging beacons from aircraft data recorders, known as black boxes. Pinging signals weaken days and is designed to last two weeks.

"We will continue to date that technically we decide searches are useless," Nelson Jobim, Brazil Defense Minister, told a Brazilian news agency today.

Black boxes to hold data that may help unlock the mystery of what caused the Airbus 330 flight apparently two hours, and to dive in the Atlantic 1 in June during a flight from Paris to Rio de Janeiro.

Without the black box data remaining issues will fuel speculation about the safety of the A330 and other aircraft as automated. Preliminary examination shows some of the bodies recovered from 49 aircraft destroyed in flight, but there was no evidence of an explosion.

This prompted a new round of concern among some pilots and aviation analysts computerized aircraft flight control systems may have malfunctioned, which has started a chain of events that pilots could not recover.

While the search for black boxes of Air France Flight 447 continues, some drivers have raised new concerns about the safety of the Airbus 330 to the computerized flight.

Brazilian and French authorities said Tuesday that would require the Air France Flight 447, insofar as there is no hope of finding the Flight.

The reason for concern is that the A330 Family aircraft have recently suffered a series of potentially catastrophic computer anomalies. In one case cause unpredictable computer commands two hours A330 suddenly pitch nose down until he could regain control, according to a report from the Bureau of Transportation Safety Australia [PDF]. This incident took place in October with the A330, operated by Qantas Airways. The aircraft diverted to the nearest airport and landed safely, but 11 passengers and crew were seriously injured. A similar incident occurred on Qantas A330 in December.

But Airbus and other analysts who produce A330, warning against such speculation, according to which all parallels are superficial at best. Component responsible for the Qantas A330 unpredictable movements, computer, known as the Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (ADIRU), is made from a manufacturer other than one installed on Air France A330, Airbus says the speaker.

This has led some analysts and pilots to focus on the aircraft computer systems.

"The Python pipes are only part of the automatic system and if they are poor nutrition and autopilot autopilot system itself has problems, you can see how this can be a chain of events, Cascading," said Lee Gaillard, Aviation analyst Saranac Lake, NY

The Airbus 330 is one of the automated aircraft flying today. Like many newer aircraft's flight control systems operated by "fly by wire" system, meaning that they are not removed from the flight control cables and reduces power, but they are controlled. In short, this means that when a pilot will be components such as ailerons - which is in the wings and control aircraft roll in the longitudinal axis - it moves the cockpit controls, which sends electronic signal to the ailerons hydraulic mechanism, then the ailerons move in the direction of the pilot . In the heart of this system is a computer, directing the flow of information between the pilot and aircraft components.

Airbus has taken a step further with this system compared to other manufacturers, according to A330 pilot. This is because it also seeks to different computers in the system of protection that automatically goes in the level of the components if the flight is suddenly thrown off course by strong air current, or some other natural event, or if a pilot makes it just a mistake.

But this explanation does not mollify some A330 pilots who say that they had an exceptional computer anomaly in the year of their A330 cabin.

"The issue is not done with the Air France plane has the same computer as Qantas, but [rather] a computer error can create a modern jet? An A330 pilot wrote in an email, wishing to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak with the press. "The answer is" yes "on the basis of the control of Airbus aircraft.

In recent weeks, speculation about what caused the accident focused on Python sensors, small pipes in the aircraft airspeed, before sending information about flights on different computers. In high altitude, some older sensors Python freezes and can lead to false testimony in connection with an aircraft speed. AF447 just before the disappearance, has sent a flurry of computer error messages that appear contrary to the reading speed Python pipes. Last week, Air France, python pipes replace all his Airbus 330s as a precaution.

But sources in the airline and Airbus say Python problems with sensors that can give false readings will be accelerated by itself be sufficient to bring down the plane.

Citizens oppose China Green Lake, then UC Computer makers

This gives companies already offering hardware options China Yahoo and Google: A Communist commanders as search or risk being blocked by one of the world market is growing rapidly, not to mention the places U.S. PC companies have been sold worldwide .

China to continue - and expand - censorship of information to citizens should be unacceptable to freedom everywhere, loved people, as it is in China, these protests have already forced changes in how the Green Lake are met.

Among the growing criticism - even a sign of hope - the Chiefs in Beijing are below: What is the use of green Sunday now seems essential. What happens in reality in the towns and provinces continue to be seen.

But where was the American hardware company, talking about their clients' freedom? If you do not speak a word against were forced to include the software, but have lost my Google searches. The best I found was a Dell spokesman, claimed that the "review" the problem.

There was a time when American capitalists has strongly protested totalitarian censorship, but that was before they were complicit in it. Moral indignation is lost when the world is winning.

In the case of Green Youth dam tracking software, China again urges U.S. companies to jointly choose their oppressive censorship regimes.

China is demanding that all PCs shipped in the country after July 1 include the software, as officially expressed filter porn, but it has proved to be a political content filter as well. The software blocks content, notes, passwords Apps discover that China can avoid widespread firewall and takes screenshots of user computers.

American companies, including giants such as Dell and HP, you need to include all computer programs sold in China.

Green Lake, which proved that the code includes pirated American, as regards violation of human rights as all other parts of China "Great Firewall". The U.S. company lacks the courage to stand up against the authoritarian regime in China is just another sign of bad, the U.S. global position.

The US-based PC makers will clearly take part in a protest outside censorship, which demonstrates that they will do something for a dollar. Capitalism, and it can sometimes be almost as corrupt as the totalitarianism of battle.

When the Chinese turned out to love freedom more than U.S. CEOs, there is a clear problem. And she is not in China.

Eight reasons why your next PC should have a computer

What does not mean that there is little real reason to choose the computer that is running Windows, even after they have examined all possibilities. As confirmed Agnostic platform where the house is overrun with both Macau and Windows machines, I find myself recommending Windows machines in about half of my friends and acquaintances that need a computer shopping tips Macao and the other half. I was so happy when PC World asked me to write this article and the companion piece to the virtues of Macao - and had much to say twice.

Here is my list of eight more reasons to buy a computer whose operating system from Redmond. I was ranked them to see it as important. But as always with anything related to technology, your priorities are almost certainly at least slightly different than mine.

1. Windows computers have features that do not deserve a Mac.

Apple is a hardware promote innovation more important than any other company from mice to Wi-Fi. At this point, but he steers clear of many useful features than its Windows-based competitors have taken. Systems Windows, for example, built in memory card readers are standard, HDMI and HDTV connectors for easy connections become. Wireless broadband, built-in TV tuner and Blue-Ray all the options are reasonable and acceptable. In Macland, you can get some of these functions only through a third of additives. And the rest just have to do without.

2. Variety is the spice of computing.

You can buy a Windows laptop that weighs a pound and slips in your pocket. Or one with a 18/4-inch spectacular show that extends the definition of "Portable". Some Windows computers are fast and mean, others are packed with features. They are not for hardcore gamers, the fashionistas and people who hate to write. In short, almost certainly will find a Windows computer, aimed at you - and they usually gang compete for your dollars. Indeed, Apple has a grand total of nine different Mac models that do not appeal to specialized audiences.

3. Windows users get preferential treatment.

Again, this is a question of companies chasing after the biggest user base. For example, Windows users have been enjoying Google Chrome browser now for seven months while their friends and neighbors Machead waiting for Google to do their work, OS X version. And video cameras Kodak fresh claim OS X compatibility, but only with a Windows software for editing. So is Microsoft Office itself, which - surprise! - Is resilient, more powerful, and most comprehensive in its version of Windows on the Mac.

4. Windows only for the remaining parts of the Internet.

I parboil just think about it, but some websites still work correctly in Internet Explorer. Take for example, I belong to a health insurance administrator, who will remain at least a name - it is so old that there is still a "Download Internet Explorer 6.0 Now! Button on the front. Even Intuit, which sells a Mac version of QuickBooks and TurboTax, has not been around to run QuickBooks Online on something other than Windows. As ridiculous as all those times where I am happy - or at least relieved - that I am in a position to four of the Windows computer to go to a country that does not seem to want the activities of Mac users.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

World Computer Literacy Mission celebrates the anniversary of the 7th

Sanjeev Kumar Ram, a senior official of the world computer literacy Mission, in his speech said that the mission is dedicated to return to IT Power India by linking all the countries on your PC.

"Our employees work in 20 states in India and more than 80,000 people have been trained in computer operation. Our goal is to ensure that every family in this country have no access to computers and people are able to improve their life and wealth of services offered by the government, "says Kumar.

This event was marked by cultural shows including dance competition, magic show, the competition better couple podium presentations and other entertainment.

Dr. Anila Kumar, State Secretary and information technology to mark the 7 World computer literacy mission in Sri Krishna Memorial Hall in Patna on Saturday, stressed the need for IT education at all levels of government Nitish say that it is obliged to call on the government to ensure free flow of information in the state.

"Today, a country can not be expected to proceed without rattling technological changes in the government. There is a growing demand for computer specialists in public administration continues to move towards broad Computerization of each department for a flexible exchange of data D Dr. Kumar said.

Adrian leaving behind his life of retirement to buy dad Computers

Father of 725 computers in Bradish St, Adrian, sells and services laptops and desktop computers. May technician and work with all brands of Windows-based computers.

They offer the full range of services including repair, installation of new components and removing viruses. They will also build custom-made computers that people can get exactly the performance, memory, hard drive capacity and programs that will, not what will come bundled in computers sold in stores.

"We have built what you want," he said. "You do not get the programs that do not want."

After having worked for many years and even managed several different businesses around Lenawee County, John May was not exactly want to come out of retirement to run his business. So when Henry Johnson first asked me whether he wants to buy a computer from his father, Johnson put her in a while.

But last year he decided to take swimming.

"The price is right," he said, "I thought necessary to strike while the iron is hot."

So he and his wife, Rosemary, bought the company from Johnson. He retained the original name, which came from Johnson Grand children called him, because he fits a lot in his case: "My grand kids over," he said, "and then go right ahead."

Most of their customers are individuals, but also they have worked with many local businesses.

May said that his highest priority on customer service.

"We ensure people are happy before they leave," he said, and he guarantees all work performed. Moreover, they can go very fast computer. Many times, they can offer next day, unless one party must be ordered in this case can be three or four days.

Consumers should not call them before the computer, in fact, I said that almost all of its operations are carried out on a walk in basis. "In accordance with the computer," he said. "It's first come, first served.

Working in computer to live has been the joy of the man who originally was not sure he wants to take over the company first.

"This is the first work in my life who do not mind getting up in the morning," he said. "I love coming here every day. It is a new challenge all the time."

Computers father is open from 9 Thursday. 5 Monday to Thursday, from 9 to 6 Thursday and Friday and Saturday from 9 to 3 Companies can be reached at 263-6057.

Kids Spending Limit 45 hours per week to a computer or a TV

The shock will increase fears of a worsening crisis of obesity. Nine of 10 children who are expected to be over weight in 2050, with one in six chronically thick.

400-meter Olympic gold medal list Christine Ohuruogu said: "Computers can be fun, but nothing replaces experience playing sports."

Teens spend 45 hours a week before the computer or TV - but play sports for two hours alone.

And two out of three 12to 16-year-olds received no encouragement from their parents to participate in sport, research showed yesterday.

Among girls, sports are already seven of their favorite activity is assessed as fourth three years.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Microsoft snaps up Lonely Planet and the Sci-Fi PC

First discovered last year, $ US12, 500 ($ 15,400) vehicles were introduced in some U.S. hotels and restaurants - for example, "Sheraton, Starwood and Harrah chain - let customers directly for food, books and music and play fun games.

Computers, which has 30-inch touch screen panel, which is controlled by hand gestures similar to those found in science fiction movie Minority Report. They can also interact with non-digital objects placed on them.

Lonely Planet Australia became the first local company to use a radical new Microsoft Surface coffee table computer that responses to natural hand gestures and real-world objects.

Travel publishers that opened its first brick and mortar store in the airport in Sydney next month, Microsoft has a license to develop a proof of concept to achieve the objectives of installing the surface state of the art computers in retail stores in the future.

Lonely Planet with the application shown in the Microsoft "Remix 09 conference in Sydney, customers can transfer to one of Lonely Planet guides in the shop, you can put it on the table and they are then presented with a wide range of content for that destination, including videos , maps, photographs and down time, live weather data and the corresponding positions in the Lonely Planet forums.

All content can be modified and moved around the table with your hand gestures. You can get a mini-map "passport" stamped on the table and then slide over any content they wish to reconsider their passports.

Passport URL and each has a unique code, so when the user get to their destination, they can log on to internet internet café, you must enter the code and then download all the content they save through the surface.

"Lonely Planet marks the first Australian to begin serious study of what can be a surface," said Microsoft Australia user visionary, Shane Morris.

From Starwood Hotels in the U.S., customers can pay for the goods that fell from the credit card touch screen, while those who visit the U.S. stores Telco AT & T can compare phone features and plans for the creation of two different phones on the table.

Casino giant Harrah Surface computer introduced in Rio, which allow patrons to drink, do noon reservations, book shows, watch YouTube videos, play games and flirt with the press of people sitting at other tables.

Recycle your computer for free

It is part of a seven-state expansion of Dell again.
Users can deduct goodwill in computer shops in Rockford, Freeport, clean and Beloit, Wisconsin.
That means standing Industries of Northern Illinois will expand its current recycling program, which brought more than two million pounds of materials from the local soil only in 2008.
Goodwill further 400,000 pounds of material diverted Dell again.
All the recovered value of computer equipment will be given in good faith to support the work of employment and training programs.

If you have an old PC hanging around and need to get rid of her good will and Dell makes it a little easier.
Both are in partnership to form the Northern Illinois free drop off program for consumers wishing to recycle any unwanted computer equipment.

China hacking computers at risk

It is intended to filter offensive material online.

The Chinese government said the dam Green Youth tracking software that is known, is designed to move in a healthy development of Internet and effectively handle hazardous materials to the public and to prevent the spread of them. "

"We have found a number of software defects," explains Isaac Mao, a blog and social entrepreneurship in China, and research fellow at Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society.

Each computer in China could be at risk to be borne by malicious hackers, because of software errors in the mandatory government.

Potential errors were brought to light by the Chinese computer experts said that disability can lead to "major disaster".

Chinese government has provided that all computers in the country, you must have installed screening software.

For example, he said, tests have shown that communication between the software and servers that the company that developed the program unencrypted.

Mr. Mao rates BBC News, which could allow hackers "steal personal information people" or "malicious script on the computers in the network of" affect [s] in large disasters. "

For example, you can use malicious hacker to take control of a PC using software.

So you have all the computers in China as a potential part of the botnet, "Colin Maclay, also at Harvard, customs BBC News.

"Pig goals"

The software also has provoked a reaction among privacy experts, academics and several Chinese nationals. It has also raised Scornet of the blogosphere in the country who believe that the system is not a game for tech-savvy teenagers.
Internet bars in Beijing from 3 June 2009
Each new computer in China will have installed software

A Blogger posted screenshot of the software had blocked efforts to visit a porn site using Microsoft Internet Explorer.

It is believed that at least 3 million computer users who have already downloaded the software, opening a potential security problems.

Another official study by the Open Net Initiative represent risks that the software is expected soon. But many people in China who were forced to use accounting programs have already been other problems.

For example, say that the system blocks legitimate and prohibited content. For example, he intended to identify the portion of skin color in the file to determine whether it is pornographic.

But comments from Bulletin Board, managed by the software system intended to suggest that the system is not functioning perfectly.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Computer problems can cause Down Air France 447?

But some people have to first experience ADIRU failure of Air France flights: Air France pilots. Julian Gourguechon, International secretary of the French pilots (SNPL) and pilot of Air France for 10 years, says ADIRU failures are not foreign to him, his colleagues and other French pilots flying for other companies and the military. "There SNPL ADIRU from pilots who have had problems," he said. But, he adds, is "very beautiful ... you have no more fly-wire on a technical, rather than their failure to make the hydraulic engine or mechanical failure." As Flight 447, although it ADIRU aircraft malfunction, electrical short circuit or other problems can cause, he says. "They ADIRU maintained by many sources and the failure of one of these funds could lead to loss ADIRU."

ADIRUs one of three aircraft which is designed to help aircraft flight control systems computer fly the plane safely, begins to send false data peaks flight guidance computer. Instead of postponing the information that ADIRUs since it must function properly to work on the computer false data and leans heavily to fly as close to catastrophic results. She later learned that the same plane is similar experience occurred in September 2006 after three other flights. All of these aircraft carry the same brand and model ADIRU and more than a third of Airbus 340s and 330s in the fleet. So if this model ADIRU a story of failure, why not continue to care for its Airbus 330s and 340s?

According to Airbus spokesman Justin Dubon, all comparisons between Qantas and Air France flights are fundamentally misleading. "One thing must be clear is that there is more than one manufacturer and ADIRUs ADIRU manufacturer Qantas is not the same case, Air France," he tells TIME. In view of the commercial aviation magazine Air Transport Agreement News, manufacturer, Northrop Grumman done ADIRUs for Qantas, Air France and Honeywell. "There are similarities between ADIRUs both cases," said Dubon.

Gourgeon said that "continuity of technical dozen messages sent from AF447 showed that" certain electrical systems were broken "shortly before the crash. A history of messages received from Sao Paulo daily Jornal DA later revealed that minutes before the plane is believed to be drop in the ocean, autopilot is cheap and the plane sustained damage to the stabilization and control of flight, and lack of monitoring systems that were in the aircraft's speed, altitude and direction: The ADIRU (Air Data Inertial Reference Units) and Isis (Integrated System Tools desire). These are the main constituents of fly-by wire system that uses computers rather than cables and hydraulics and mechanics to control the flight of aircraft.

While the helm of the French investigation team of Air France Flight 447 crash over crowd, and probably less likely disaster scenarios - from the effects of stormy conditions, terrorist act - perhaps the most difficult to estimate, it would be possible flight computer malfunction. Air France CEO Pierre-Henri Gourgeon said Monday that shortly before the disappearance AF447, automatic messages sent from the aircraft shows numerous technical deficiencies. "When this information is displayed communications experts have trouble understanding the inevitable result of a breach of the aircraft, or indicators of damage that led to the incident.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Air France aircraft: Airbus has computer problems in the past

James Healy-Pratt, chief of aviation law, Stuart, Australia said the incident showed there may be problems with the A330 and electronic systems - computers used to control the aircraft.

"We are already acting on behalf of 30 families who were injured in Qantas flight, and we will not extend our study to cover this event," said Mr Healy-Pratt.

"In case of a Qantas flight had serious damage to the computer," he said.

More than 100 passengers were injured, some seriously, when Qantas operated aircraft suffered electrical problems in October last year.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigators identified an error in one of the flight computer systems as a possible cause of the near disaster.

If Air France Airbus A330 came eight months after the plane plummeted more than a thousand feet without warning against Western Australia.

There are more than 600 A330s in heaven and they are considered long distance from the horse industry and used by 72 players.
Airbus and is based on the computer to operate the hydraulic systems - such as wheels and with a corner edge of the aileron on the wing, which controls the aircraft to the bank that he returns. A computer that is used to control the aircraft climbs and descendens, pitching the nose of the aircraft up and down.

In case of a Qantas plane, one of the computers misunderstood the position of the aircraft - particularly the situation of the nasal.

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