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Thursday, June 11, 2009

China hacking computers at risk

It is intended to filter offensive material online.

The Chinese government said the dam Green Youth tracking software that is known, is designed to move in a healthy development of Internet and effectively handle hazardous materials to the public and to prevent the spread of them. "

"We have found a number of software defects," explains Isaac Mao, a blog and social entrepreneurship in China, and research fellow at Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society.

Each computer in China could be at risk to be borne by malicious hackers, because of software errors in the mandatory government.

Potential errors were brought to light by the Chinese computer experts said that disability can lead to "major disaster".

Chinese government has provided that all computers in the country, you must have installed screening software.

For example, he said, tests have shown that communication between the software and servers that the company that developed the program unencrypted.

Mr. Mao rates BBC News, which could allow hackers "steal personal information people" or "malicious script on the computers in the network of" affect [s] in large disasters. "

For example, you can use malicious hacker to take control of a PC using software.

So you have all the computers in China as a potential part of the botnet, "Colin Maclay, also at Harvard, customs BBC News.

"Pig goals"

The software also has provoked a reaction among privacy experts, academics and several Chinese nationals. It has also raised Scornet of the blogosphere in the country who believe that the system is not a game for tech-savvy teenagers.
Internet bars in Beijing from 3 June 2009
Each new computer in China will have installed software

A Blogger posted screenshot of the software had blocked efforts to visit a porn site using Microsoft Internet Explorer.

It is believed that at least 3 million computer users who have already downloaded the software, opening a potential security problems.

Another official study by the Open Net Initiative represent risks that the software is expected soon. But many people in China who were forced to use accounting programs have already been other problems.

For example, say that the system blocks legitimate and prohibited content. For example, he intended to identify the portion of skin color in the file to determine whether it is pornographic.

But comments from Bulletin Board, managed by the software system intended to suggest that the system is not functioning perfectly.

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