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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Citizens oppose China Green Lake, then UC Computer makers

This gives companies already offering hardware options China Yahoo and Google: A Communist commanders as search or risk being blocked by one of the world market is growing rapidly, not to mention the places U.S. PC companies have been sold worldwide .

China to continue - and expand - censorship of information to citizens should be unacceptable to freedom everywhere, loved people, as it is in China, these protests have already forced changes in how the Green Lake are met.

Among the growing criticism - even a sign of hope - the Chiefs in Beijing are below: What is the use of green Sunday now seems essential. What happens in reality in the towns and provinces continue to be seen.

But where was the American hardware company, talking about their clients' freedom? If you do not speak a word against were forced to include the software, but have lost my Google searches. The best I found was a Dell spokesman, claimed that the "review" the problem.

There was a time when American capitalists has strongly protested totalitarian censorship, but that was before they were complicit in it. Moral indignation is lost when the world is winning.

In the case of Green Youth dam tracking software, China again urges U.S. companies to jointly choose their oppressive censorship regimes.

China is demanding that all PCs shipped in the country after July 1 include the software, as officially expressed filter porn, but it has proved to be a political content filter as well. The software blocks content, notes, passwords Apps discover that China can avoid widespread firewall and takes screenshots of user computers.

American companies, including giants such as Dell and HP, you need to include all computer programs sold in China.

Green Lake, which proved that the code includes pirated American, as regards violation of human rights as all other parts of China "Great Firewall". The U.S. company lacks the courage to stand up against the authoritarian regime in China is just another sign of bad, the U.S. global position.

The US-based PC makers will clearly take part in a protest outside censorship, which demonstrates that they will do something for a dollar. Capitalism, and it can sometimes be almost as corrupt as the totalitarianism of battle.

When the Chinese turned out to love freedom more than U.S. CEOs, there is a clear problem. And she is not in China.

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